
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Pictures

Paige will be fifteen in a few months! 

Josiah will be 12 in Jan. Its hard to believe!!

Caleb turned 8 this past summer. He is the one that looks the most like ME!!! Lol  :)   
Timothy turned 7 in December. We share a birthday. He is the one that looks most like Daddy!! That's why he is Timothy Nicholas. Hunter is 5 now and I call him my buffalo. He can be quite a bull, he's strong and doesn't realize it. He's usually only a pound under Caleb!!Buddy Stonewall turned 4 on his Aunt Carrie's birthday. He is quite a mess lately. A clown, and has really developed a major personality! We really enjoy it! And here's me! Some people keep insisting that I get pictures too!  :(  Great, couldn't they have stayed little, when any excuse worked??? Yes, that really is MY FSU sweatshirt!Buddy, who says he was acting like Alex??? Thanks Alex, your a great teacher!Pretending to pout!! And he 
knows he's cute! I miss Silas being cute with him, but it sure is great having so many to fill the days with!! Then I think things started getting contagious!!! Or maybe it's just normal boys!! :D  

I could not quit laughing at the boys! They are such goofs. 

And finally a picture of all of us. Nick and Levi are due to return on the 30th from the Congo. I'm sure they will have lots of stories to tell.  


  1. Hey Mrs. Karen,
    I really like the pictures! We miss y'all and can't wait to get back next month! Tell your family we said hello!

  2. Great pictures Karen. We love you, Bro. Nick, and the kids very much.

  3. Great pictures Ms. Karen! That is one huge tree! And I can't wait to hear more of Bro. Nick and Levi's trip. Love ya'll,
    Ms. Elsie

  4. Mrs. Karen you are so welcome for the things i taught your Im ready to see the badge that buddy got with my name on it. I must have really made an impression on Buddy Buck for him to take such a liking to me! good or bad...who knows?



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