Happy Birthday Hunter
It all started when Hunter picked this.........
ball for his birthday.
It's like the soccer ball they used in the world cup.
And this........cake pan I've thought would be fun
some time, homemade frosting (yum),
and it was fun
Hunter liked it....but then again it was cake!!!
Then came the fourth of July.
It has been a while since my boys got to preach
so when the preacher at the church announced
that during the pm service the boys and young men
could preach, mine could talk of nothing else!
Josiah was my first one to preach
he preached on wisdom
What can a young 12 year old boy know about wisdom?
Practically speaking, not much.
But he wrote this message totally on his own,
he got his own illustrations
The first time he preached it he made a sword
and borrowed his sisters baby doll.
Remember the two harlots, the baby, and Solomon?
Levi was next
he wrote a new message for the 4th of July
reasons America is free
Caleb preached then
and he wanted to write one special for the 4th also
"reasons why we have the flag we have"
The older guys were given a topic to preach on.
I think that might be interesting with the younger guys once.
After church most of us loaded up
and went to watch the fireworks.
I had a good time taking these pics
my new camera has a fireworks setting
this one had a heart in the middle
it was neat to see how they turned out
they were a ways away and, of course, it was dark
another heart
Dad's shadow
watching the works
Little Levi & his Mom
yes it was hot and humid
we were all sweaty & sticky
singing on the way there and back
(except the too cool J, up front,
wouldn't want that in the pic)
they were loud, but I know they'll remember
the fun time they had for a long time
fireworks for the boys to set off themselves
bottle rockets.........
sparklers for everyone
this is Hunter and Stonewall
and it looked pretty neat
when they wrote their names
their characters were kinda funny to watch
some of the children were eager
some were pulling away even
as the bottle rocket went off
............but not many of them
even the girls were out back with theirs
the boys were thrilled with the smoke bombs
tanks - they shot fire and made noise
every boys dream
even when it sprinkled
noone was running for cover
then of course, everyone needed more food
and you can see what the boys think of the girls
he was saying "don't touch those brownies"
I wonder who baked them?
by the way, Paige has started a new blog
it's called Buggy
Buggy was Boaz pet name from Paige and Stonewall