It's no wonder some children call deputation a vacation. Since we left home in mid-March, it has been busy. We have been roller skating, ice skating, played in the snow, and bowling. Of course, just goofing around takes up a lot of time too. Paige received some beautiful flowers for her birthday from some ladies at home. Hunter had a run in with a running machine. I understand it quite ran away with him! We've also had some long trips in the van, we are in PA right now. But we are having a great time. We miss being at home, but, the Lord has made deputation a great time for us. We've also visited some family along the way. We went bowling with my brother. Right now we are at Nick's Dads. And one of Nick's sisters (and family) are here too. Tomorrow is Nick's Dads birthday. Thanks to everyone who prays for us. The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works.
Boaz loved for us to color with him. And we would every time, just to see his face light up. When we colored he loved to scribble on it, just to tease us. Then he would look at us with that michievous look and smile his gorgeous smile.
children's quotes
Sometimes children say the funniest things. Other times it's soooo typical that you aren't sure weather to laugh, or cry!!!
Stonewall: "I'm gonna go to Walmart and buy an airhorn, then I'm gonna use it to wake up Sister at 6:30!" Then he laughs hysterically!!!
Timothy (7): When I grow up my house is gonna be shaped like an alligator. You'll have to go in the mouth to get in, then slide down and people will scream!"